Wednesday 1 June 2016

A thankful letter for my sixth graders based on #30GoalsEDU

Dear sixth graders,
Dear sixth graders,
Technology has once again proved to be my faithful helper as our school photocopy machine has broken down at the end of our school year! So, uploading this word doc on our class weebly facilitates the process of my addressing you in a thankful letter you see, conditions have made it impossible for me to print it out for each of you!
To start with, I’ m really proud I’ve been your EFL teacher for this year (2015-16). I’m so glad I’ve seen such amazing progress in your character and learning skills. Respect, resilience and empathy are only some of the special features you’ve gradually developed since the beginning of the year. You’ve also done the best you could as an EFL learner and have achieved to express yourself so well in a foreign language! This is actually terrific for a child of your age! Keep up the good work!
Continuing with some sort of advice, I would just like to give you some tips on your future life. Even if you feel you haven’t done your best so far and you could have achieved more, don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time to further improve! Better late than never! Just set goals that express you yourself and which suit your personality. And, of course, don’t forget that these goals should be realistic and reachable by you, i.e. within your abilities range!
Besides, in your life I’d like you to bear in mind the Starfish story you worked on so enthusiastically in class. Please, always remember the moral we came up with: you, as an individual first, can make the difference for a better education, a better environment, a better society, a better world!
Last but not least, don’t be afraid to make mistakes in your learning journey as you improve by learning through them. Just reflect on them!
I’m really grateful for the wonderful time we’ve spent together and all the magic moments we have shared!
Enjoy your life in a respectful and creative way!
Wishing you the best of luck!
Your teacher of EFL,        
Mrs Anthi  
P.S. I would like to dedicate this song to you!   

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